Tafsir fi Zilalil Quran and Tafseer ibne kaseer/tafsir ibn kathir are two most famous Al Quran sharif 30 para tafsir.
Islam is our deen. Quran sharif is one pillar of islam. So, we should read Al Quran with bangla meaning (al quran with bangla translation). Quran majeed is source of guidence. One can get the correct knowledge of Islam from reading kuran 30 para bangla (al quran with bangla tafsir) from a al quran bangla uccharon book. This app contains famous tafseer ibn kaseer in bangla complete 18 part. Among all tafsir al quran bangla this is one of the authentic tafseer in the history of Islam besides tafsir maariful quran bangla, tafhimul quran, tafsir jalalain bangla etc.
The life of prophet is one of the four sources of shari’ah. There are many hadis book in bangla as well as Al hadis arabic to bangla is translated and Hadithbd. If you want to learn tafeer of Quran read a lot of hadish book. Indeed, Al hadis (hadith) bangla can make your mind soft. Tell your child about Sahaba or Sahabi life history bangla to sharpen their Islamic knowledge. Because hayatus sahaba are noble being on earth. Name them after sahabi name. May Allah give all of us guidance.
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